Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mail User Interface suggestion...

I was discussing Mail interfaces with my friend last night - about how much Yahoo!'s AJAXy client sucks - I only use it because it is marginally faster overall for reading mail, but it looks (and performs) just like Outlook - UGGH.

I came in to work today and looked at the list of email presented by the client. It look something like this:

KmartSuper Special DealToday
JulieSave the EnvironmentToday
James E. LeeSomething coolToday
Buy.comSuper special on HD TVsToday
CrutchfieldDoes your HDTV sound good?Today
Cindy GouldSomething from momToday

Quick - there's two emails in the list I actually care about - which is it?

Right, the one from my friend James, the other from my mom. The other emails are ads, which I don't consider Spam because they are from companies or organizations I have previously had contact with, and so I let them into my email - though I usually delete all that stuff. But it was annoying that amongst the clutter, there was one thing I cared about and the rest I didn't.


Here's what strikes me - there's an attribute the email I care about that the other emails don't have - and that attribute is trivially detected by - you guessed it - a computer.

Notice that sentence - what stood out? The word attribute, right? Why - because I highlighted it. If I can do that, couldn't the server do the same for the email I care about?

So what's the attribute - well my friend James happens to be IN MY ADDRESSBOOK. Bingo - let's have a feature that highlights emails from people in my addressbook.

This is so straightforward, I am shocked that we have had email for 20 years and to my knowledge this simple, straightforward feature has NEVER been implemented.

Let's take a look at how it might look if it were highlighted:

    KmartSuper Special DealToday
    JulieSave the EnvironmentToday
James E. LeeSomething coolToday
    Buy.comSuper special on HD TVsToday
    CrutchfieldDoes your HDTV sound good?Today
Cindy GouldSomething from momToday

Ok, quick, which email(s) do I care about?

What do you think? Do you like this approach?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Venezuela Trip

We just got back from 2 weeks in Venezuela. It was part meet&greet for my new family, and part vacation. I'll write some more about it soon, for now here's some pics:

Update: I've added captions