I haven't written here in a while, but this topic deserves some attention.
SummaryIn case you haven't heard, the Senate just passed Bill H.R. 6304, which, among other things, grants retroactive immunity to Telecommunications companies that participated in President Bush's the illegal domestic wiretapping program.
The vote results can be viewed
In short, the Republicans voted as a whole Yea. The Democrats voted mixed. Notable votes:
Clinton (D-NY): Nay
Obama (D-IL): Yea
McCain (R-AZ): Not Voting
Boxer (D-CA): Nay
Feinstein (D-CA): Yea
Kerry (D-MA): Nay
Kennedy (D-MA): Not Voting
First Of All, What is Wrong With The Democrats?I'd just like to say if the Democrats had a backbone, and voted like the Republicans, maybe this wouldn't have happened? I feel disgusted. Betrayed. I don't like Republicans. Or Democrats. But at least the Republicans can get ?&!% done. I don't know if I feel the Democrats
deserve to be on the floor, or in the White House.
Second of AllI can't believe Obama. He had my vote. UNTIL NOW. I mean what are you thinking you loser. Every other hopeful voted with their conscience. Is voting for retroactive immunity
HOPE FOR CHANGE?. You've really angered me, and I really don't know who to vote for this November. I was against Clinton, you seemed the better choice the entire way. And now this.
I don't know what to do - I think I'll go vote for Nader. I hear he is going to run again. At least McCain did the smart thing and didn't vote. He probably had half a conscious in which he knew he
shouldn't vote for this bill, but had only two choices: Yea or Abstain.
Sometimes you have to make the hard choices. He did. I don't even think this was a hard choice for you, Obama, so tell, what the hell are you thinking?
UPDATE: Seems I am not the only one. Comments on Obama's blog are not favorable.Third - Can we PLEASE get rid of Feinstein?Is Feinstein doing this State (CA) any good? Or is she just an idiot. I think the latter. Can we please get some new blood with a spine, some values, and some guts. Thanks.
(btw, I have so far been admiring Boxer's values. She seems to have once again notched another good move here today)
In Other News...Nancy Pelosi sure is shaping up to be complete bust, eh? Seems she wants to give ol' Bush-y a fight in the history books, so she cooked up this winner of an idea:
Nancy Pelosi vs. the Internet