Bullsh#t security...
America the land of the free and the home of the brave...isn't that how the saying goes?
Yeah, right. You can be damn sure that this post is going to attract the attention of the now infamous NSA wire taps. Only non-US citizens are subject to that you say? The jokes on you buddy, another lie from the war mongrels. Not only am I being spied on, but what I say and what I do is being cross-referenced with what I buy, who and where I buy it from, in more detail than you could ever imagine. That's only a fraction of the freedoms you have lost since 9/11. If you want to know more I suggest you read The One Percent Doctrine by Ron Suskind. It's an eye opener.
Is there any sanity left to the way we are handling one scare tactic after another? A quick glance at the TSA's ever increasing list of banned substances leaves only one conclusion: not even close.
You gotta hand it to Bruce Schneier -- he does a great job of criticizing the latest outrage - printing fake boarding passes is ridiculously easy - so shame on those that point out the freakin' obvious - in fact let's put them in jail.
I can't even tell you how many times I have heard how we are "winning against the terrorism", that "freedom is on the march" - you have to be joking. It's cowering in a corner wimpering like a rain soaked dog.
America - land of the once-free and home of the perpetually afraid.
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